
Connect to your heart and freedom to live the life of your dreams inspired by the ocean

The livelifelikeanocean community


"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."    (Ryunosuke Satoro)

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans."   (Kaheil Gibran)



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This community is all about creating a space where you can be inspired by the ocean, 

where you can be part of a community, where you are encouraged to follow your dreams, to lead an authentic life, 

where you will find the confidence to be yourself and where you get help to change your life so that you feel excited, free, alive, adventurous and fulfilled again.

I would like to create a space in which you can feel that you are part of a heartfelt community and the loving energy of the ocean.

This community is about a journey with the tides, with the seasons and cycles of life, 

of how we can navigate through storms in a resilient way and how we can make our heart the compass, 

the lighthouse that creates a life that feels joyful, peaceful, connected and free.

'A journey with the tides' will be one year in the community where you get inspiration, exercises, videos and workbooks to help you creating a life from the heart. 

You will become support in the group when you feel stuck and need encouragement or heartfelt people who you can connect with.

Every month has a special theme that is close to the season we are in, it's getting into connection to the tides and flow of nature.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the community, of becoming a part of the community of ocean lovers and dream chasers.

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  • livelifelikeanocean

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"You can either see yourself as a wave in the ocean or you can see yourself as the ocean."    (Oprah Winfrey)